Garage door won’t close: An Easy Fixing Guide

Garage door won't close

A malfunctioning garage door can cause significant disruptions in your daily life and compromise the safety of your home.

If your garage door won’t close instantly, than there could be various factors that contribute to this complex issue, including worn-out springs, misaligned tracks, faulty openers, and electrical problems.

Our goal is to assist you in resolving your garage door problems by unraveling the complexities involved. Whether you’re an experienced DIY enthusiast or new to home repairs, we’ve got you covered.

In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, we will explore the common causes of garage door failure and provide you with detailed solutions to get your door functioning properly again.

Common reasons why your garage door won’t close

Here’s a quick table outlining common reasons why a garage door won’t close:

Common ReasonsProbabilityQuick Solution
ObstructionHighRemove any objects blocking the path of the garage door.
Misaligned safety sensorsMediumAdjust the sensors to ensure they are properly aligned.
Faulty remote controlLowReplace the batteries or reprogram the remote control.
Malfunctioning wall buttonMediumCheck the wiring connections and replace if necessary.
Broken springsHighContact a professional to replace the worn-out springs.
Track misalignmentMediumRealign the tracks using a level and proper tools.
Faulty garage door openerMediumTroubleshoot the opener or consider replacing it.
Damaged cables or pulleysLowRepair or replace the damaged cables or pulleys.
Electrical issuesLowInspect the wiring and connections for any faults.
Note: probability mentioned in the table is subjective and may vary depending on the specific circumstances.

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Garage door won't close : Basic Reasons

Check for obstructions

If your garage door won’t close, always remember to check for obstructions. Sometimes, unexpected factors like humidity can render the safety sensors ineffective, as I once experienced myself. It took me a good half hour to realize the issue. So, stay vigilant and consider even the seemingly unlikely possibilities.

Look for any dirt, misalignment, or obstructions that may be blocking their functionality. Cleaning, realigning, or removing obstructions can often resolve sensor-related issues and restore proper functioning to your garage door.

Check the remote Control

Check your remote control’s batteries first, then change them if necessary. Confirm that the wall button is securely attached and operating as it should. To resolve any potential problems, if necessary, reprogram the remote control or troubleshoot the wall button.

Potential Issues and Solutions

Garage door won't close: Potential Issues

Misaligned tracks and rollers

The weight of your garage door is a potential factor that can lead to track misalignment. It is crucial to address this issue promptly to prevent further complications. Misaligned tracks can impede the smooth operation of the door and potentially worsen any existing damage.

To ensure the door moves along its intended path without obstruction, realign the tracks using appropriate tools and techniques.

Realign the tracks

Here’s a quick guide on how to align garage door tracks:

  1. Inspect the tracks for any visible gaps or misalignment.
  2. Loosen the screws or bolts securing the tracks, but do not remove them completely.
  3. Gently tap the tracks with a rubber mallet to nudge them back into alignment.
  4. Use a level to ensure the tracks are perfectly vertical or have a slight downward tilt towards the back of the garage.
  5. Tighten the screws or bolts securely once the tracks are aligned.

Also make sure to lubricate them regularly. By following these steps, you can effectively align the garage door tracks and restore smooth and proper functioning to your garage door.

Broken or worn-out springs

Broken or worn-out springs can have a significant impact on the functioning of your garage door. Just a week ago, my friend Adam faced this issue when the springs of his garage door suddenly snapped in the middle. Despite regular lubrication, age caught up with them. It didn’t take us long to realize the problem.

To prevent this from happening to you, it’s crucial to understand that worn-out springs can severely affect your garage door’s operation. If you encounter broken or worn-out springs, it is recommended to take the following steps:

  1. Safety first: Avoid attempting repairs if you are not experienced with garage door systems.
  2. Call a professional: Contact a reputable garage door repair service to assess and replace the broken springs.
  3. Regular maintenance: Consider scheduling regular maintenance with professionals to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your garage door.

Taking prompt action and seeking professional help will ensure that your garage door’s springs are repaired or replaced correctly, ensuring safe and reliable operation.

Malfunctioning garage door opener

When the opener fails to function properly, it can disrupt the normal operation of the door. This may make it difficult or impossible to open or close the garage door. A malfunctioning opener may be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Electrical issues,
  • Worn-out parts,
  • Misalignment.

To restore the functionality of your garage door, it is crucial to promptly address problems with a malfunctioning opener. Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Check the power supply.
  2. Inspect the remote control and wall button.
  3. Ensure proper programming.
  4. If the issue persists, seek professional attention for a thorough diagnosis and effective repair.

Take a Look: 7 Best Smart Garage Door Openers

Electrical or wiring issues

Electrical or wiring issues could be one potential cause of your garage door not closing. The proper operation of the door can be interfered with by problems with the electrical connections or wiring. It is crucial to take the following actions to fix this:

  1. Checking the electrical connections: Make sure that the power source is functioning and that the connections to the garage door opener’s electrical system are stable and undamaged.
  2. Fixing wiring problems: Look for any evidence of damage, such as frayed or loose wires. If you have prior electrical work knowledge, you could try to solve simple wiring problems on your own. However, for complicated or extensive wiring issues, it is advised to see a qualified electrician.

Fixing electrical or wiring problems needs to be done carefully and by someone who knows what they’re doing to keep you safe and ensure the repairs are done correctly. If you’re not sure or not comfortable working with electrical things, it’s best to get help from a professional.

Frequently Asked questions

Is it ok to force open my garage door?

You shouldn’t use force to open your garage door. Doing so can potentially cause further damage to the door, tracks, or other components. To ensure the garage door operates safely and correctly, it is best to troubleshoot the problem, find the root cause, and seek appropriate solutions or professional assistance.

Is it okay to reset my garage door?

Resetting your garage door can be a helpful troubleshooting step in certain situations. It involves reprogramming or restoring the door’s settings to their default state. However, it’s important to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional advice to ensure you perform the reset correctly and avoid any unintended consequences or further issues.

How to open stuck garage door easily?

To open a stuck garage door easily, follow these steps:
1. Check for any obstructions or debris blocking the tracks.
2. Apply lubricant to the tracks, rollers, and hinges.
3. Use a sturdy object, such as a broom handle, to gently push or pull the door along the tracks.
4. If the door remains stuck, consult a professional for further assistance to avoid causing damage or injury.


Having problems with a garage door that won’t close can be really annoying and cause disruptions. Make sure to check for anything blocking the way, examine the safety sensors, fix any tracks that are not aligned properly, and deal with issues like a broken opener or electrical problems.

Sometimes, resetting the door might be necessary. Safety should always come first, so don’t hesitate to ask for professional assistance if needed. Taking proactive steps and finding the right solutions will ensure your garage door works smoothly and reliably.

If you have any question regarding this article or about the issue you’re still facing. Let us know in the comment section below. We’ll try our best to provide you a proper solution. Also, please share your valuable feedback. Thank you!

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